세일즈포스 교육

aura 기본 컴포넌트 구성 Create and Edit Aura Components

으농농이 2021. 5. 17. 15:59


<트레일헤드 문제 >

Create a simple camping list component

Create a camping component that displays a list of camping supplies that you need for your trip. Increase reusability by using other components to compose this component.

  • Create a campingList component that contains an ordered list of camping supplies that include Bug Spray, Bear Repellant, and Goat Food
  • Create a campingHeader component that displays Camping List wrapped in an H1 tag with a font size of 18
  • Create a camping component that contains the campingHeader and campingList components


헤더 , 캠페인 리스트 구성 으로 분리시켜놔야함

헤더는 font-size 가 18px이 되어야하므로 css 에서 설정을 해줌 




<aura:component >


2. campingHeader.cmp


<aura:component >
<h1>Camping List</h1>


3.campingList .cmp


<aura:component >
     <li>Bug Spray</li>
        <li>Bear Repellant</li>
        <li>Goat Food</li>





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